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Sunday, December 04, 2005

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!!

Me and Ali at the LOV Christmas Gala

Yes, winter is in full bloom in Chicago as you can see in the pictures! If you're wondering, that's a huge snow flake in the middle of my forehead. Tonight my church (Life on the Vine) had a Christmas Gala full of food, fun times, laughter and dancing! It was great to get back (after my time in NZ) and see many people that have helped in my readjusting period back to the States. This group of friends have challenged me, encouraged me and thinks like I do about life, what church is really about and that we're all on a journey. My good friend Ali Watson (we're often mistaken as sisters) and I have been going to this gathering since August and are greatly blessed by the people we have met. She is a dear friend, a soul sister, and has the best laugh. I thank God for the blessing of a community that has such a different perspective on life and how we are to be living. Since my time in Glasgow I have come to understand that "doing life" with people, journeying along with them is the greatest impact that one could have on another's life. All people really want is someone to be there, understand and help them through this process of life...to be real, genuine and caring...to have a community. Life is different now, every person I meet I see with a different set of eyes. My mission is clear, have compassion and speak truth like Jesus, walk in the boldness of Paul, encourage like Barnabas, and journey with people like St. Patrick. This is bit from the NieuCommunities web site says it well, "Jesus lingered long with God, and so we carve out time to do the same. We call this communion. He did life day-in and day-out with a small band of sojourners, so we choose to share our lives with each other. We call this community. He lived with an unwavering purpose as he created spiritual home for others, so we open our hearts to be taught how to live on purpose wherever we find ourselves in the world. We call this mission." That's me...that's what I'm about...still learning, sometimes failing, but never giving up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So true dude. Love the "mission statement" adopted from the Nieu Communities stuff... Can't wait to see the Graf's and hear all of that good stuff again. Praise God for the community that the Lord has allowed us participate in, even if I haven't been there in a month (yikes). Miss you, friend. We need to chill soon.

love you,

5:00 PM  

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