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Thursday, December 15, 2005

My job...or should I say my new home?!

It's been a while since I've put something on my blog and that is due to this wonderful thing called the restaurant life. I have been working at the Cheesecake Factory (which I love) practically every day and more often than not, the FULL day. Don't get me wrong, I love to serve and the food is fantastic, but my body is tired, must be those 26 years kicking in...just kidding! As you can see, one of my favorite cheesecakes is the Godiva Chocolate Cheesecake. It is displayed to make your mouths water and your taste buds long to put a bit in your mouth. So come visit me...if you can! The down side to my job is the lack of time spent with God and friends. Just recently I have been able to hang out with some good friends and I have made it a point to get my fill of Jesus because without him I can't to anything and my life is meaningless. It is hard working in the restaurant business, as some of you will know, lots of drama, lots of drinking and lots of other things as well. I feel like I walk into a battle, sorely out numbered every day...but God is good and I have just found out that there is a manager who is a follower of Jesus as well as another server. The relationships I have made while there are amazing...I love all my co-workers and I have also had chances to talk in length with people about my faith and my time in Glasgow. I am excited and looking forward to more of the time spent with these people before I head off to NZ. On a fun note, the company gives away a 9 inch cheesecake to all their employees for Christmas...this year it was Pumpkin, not my tip top fav, but very good. So...if you happen to stop by my house, or throw a party, you may get a slice! I would love to hear from all of you. Please email me, call me or send me a note. Blessings!!
Beth Kehn
237 Dunton Ct.
Mundlein, Il 60060


Blogger Nathan Smith said...

What's up Beth? I have only been once because of the price. I hope you're getting fat tips. Which one are you working at, Hancock or the one at that mall? Sounds like you're loving the Church, the job and what God is doing with you there right now. It is all good to hear!

4:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beth, now that you are back, give Michelle and I a call. I'd like to hear more about your NZ adventure and how the Lord is working with you.

8:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was good seeing you at the Cheesecake Factory before the holidays. The food was terrific, I hope your new year is off to a joyous start.


11:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Beth. It looks wonderful - I am very envious. Maybe you could export the Cheesecake Factory to NZ too? That would be fantastic! Great to read a little of what you've been up to. Love from Welington NZ (& the Choc Fish), Susanne Brantley

8:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey beth, remember that one time i made you smoke a fag in spain. whoa that was epic.

8:41 PM  
Blogger Beth said...

Yeah...WOW!! Quite an experience...oh, how funny that was. But Prauge was even funnier. Glad I can laugh at myself, and give you a reason to laugh your arse off as well.

8:47 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

Well lookie here! I found Beth. I hear you are comming out soon. Looking fwd. 2 c'ing ya. I love the Cheesecake Factory! Congrads.

4:27 PM  

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