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Sunday, October 21, 2007

Pumpkins Galore

Sarah left early this morning. It was such a blessing to have her here, do life together again for a bit and have some fun. She spoke into my life as she often does and I hope I was some form of encouragement as she makes a decision as to where she feels lead to land…either NOLA, or London.

Believe it or not, this was when it was much better!

Later that day when I woke up (like 11am!) I found my left eye had swollen for no particular reason. Determined to not let it bother me, I ventured out with Chad to Whole Foods to pick up some pumpkins to carve with the kiddos that day. We all had a good time picking out what we were going to do and then executing it. I have carved pumpkins since a wee child, so I know what it takes and I always like to challenge myself. Most of the kids knew what they wanted to do. Logan and I sat at the computer contemplating which ones. He kept trying to get me to print off something I knew Mike wouldn’t want him doing, this is our conversation.
Logan…How about the RIP
Me…Go ask your dad
Logan…Ummm, ok, then how about….what’s a banshee? Oooo, I like the skull!
Me…Go ask your dad Logan!
Logan…Aaahhh, ok, either the alien or the bat…or the owl.
Me…Ok, you can only pick from those three
Logan…Let me see them all again….the bat…now the owl again, ummm I guess the bat. Yeah, the bat sounds good…don’t you think?!
I, of course, affirmed in the positive, printed out the bat and he was off. My decision came a bit later, but I decided on Captain Hook. It was a process let me tell you. Just outlining the pumpkin took ages. Then the tedious process of carving it out with all the little spots and holes and very, very thin pieces of pumpkin holding it all together. By the time I started this part everyone else had finished and I was the lone ranger outside, keeping an eye on the boys as they played in the yard. Not even married and already multi-tasking with the kids! ☺ Hours, and I do mean hours, later I finished. I had endured mocking from Mike saying it had become an obsession (and it kinda had), leg and backaches, on and off light showers and a swollen eye to come out with my masterpiece. All in all it was a great day, reminding me of my childhood memories and my family. I thank God that I am with people who are like my own family. I hunkered down in bed dreaming happily of my pumpkin attempting to defeat any Peter Pan pumpkins that were keen to invade my island (the front yard of the Brantley’s). Thankfully, I have Logan’s bat to ward off any other flying creature and Jordan’s pirate to be my first mate and army against the forces of the Lost Boys!


Blogger Jenny Jack said...

Nice pumpkin...arrrr

11:59 AM  

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