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Saturday, October 29, 2005

Off to the land of Hobbits and Narnia

Hello! Well I have successfully made it through training at the new Cheesecake Factory in Lincolnshire, IL...YAY! Actually I have to take a test on Monday over the massive menu (we have to memorize the whole thing) and if any of you have been to a CCF, then you know how much food there is! God is good though and I have most of it down, and the managers have seemed to take a liking to me. Ok, so now I am off to New Zealand (if you couldn't have guessed by the title!) I leave the 2nd of Nov and will be returning to the States the 22nd. You may be thinking...Another vacation?! Goodness, this girl gets around...where does the money come from? Well, you may be right in some sense (at least about the money!), but I am going to NZ for other reasons than a nice holiday. While I was in Scotland I met a man and his family who are moving to NZ, as Nigel (the "man"), is to be the new National Director for a ministry called TSCF (Tertiary School Christian Fellowship). Long story short, I am going down there to see if TSCF would be a good fit for me (and them) to become a Staff worker. TSCF is a Christian Student Lead Club on University campuses around the country. I would be working with the Student leaders and other students, coaching them, and encouraging them to find their niche in this thing called life. I would be moving down next July (should I feel this is where God wants me) and be living there for 4-5 years. So, first off, you all can come visit me, secondly I would appreciate your thoughts and prayers and thirdly, if you feel inclined to help me out financially, it would be much welcomed. You can contact me by email...bkehn@hotmail.com, or post a comment to this site. I'll keep you updated while I am in NZ on all the goings-on. One quick confession...I am visiting my Grandpa in Tauranga (on the coast...and it's summer there) for about a week before I head down to Wellington. But really, come all that way and NOT see my grandpa? Well, thanks for understanding. Talk soon. Many blessings on you!!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

The Day I entered the World

Today is my 26th Birthday...aah, another year older, wiser (hopefully) and full of new adventure. I also have the wonderful privilege to share this day with my brother, Matt who was also born today...2 years after I was. As another year is added to my life, I take the time to reflect on the past year and all that occurred. Last October 5th, I was in Glasgow, Scotland participating in a 10 month leadership and spiritual development program...life was very different. I lived with 9 other people (crazy but fun at most times!), had deep soul searching and cleansing times, and navigated around Glasgow, a city where most people don't even sound like they're speaking English. This time was precious and it was such a privilege to turn a semi-landmark year with some of my now closest friends. It's funny, being away from my other friends and family was sad and I missed them, but God provided new family and friends to make my day special. This year I was back in the States and hung out with close friends and family all day. It was wonderful, I felt so blessed, but I also remembered how this last year of my life will affect the rest of my days...and that is a gift that only God can give. I love you all...hope that this year of your life is exciting and challenging.