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Saturday, April 22, 2006

Food for thought

“It’s a terrifying thing to begin. To begin anything at all. The rewards are but rumors then. The glories are but gossip. To taste and see, we must venture into the murky waters of inexperience. And that is, indeed a terrifying thing. But it's more terrifying still, to stand ashore and wish it could someday truly be true.”
~Tristam Gylberd.

I snagged this quote off my sister-in-law's website...and she got it from a good girlfriend. It's a powerful quote and quite where I am at right now with moving to NZ and starting ministry down there. However, the last line I on hold on to dearly because I never want that to be me...standing on the shore...wishing things could have been different. I know God won't let me and I don't want to be that person. No matter what the waters may look like, or that I can't see the next step after the one right before me, I take that leap of faith, planting my foot down on unknown territory, diving into the deep unknown. Crazy?! Maybe, but where there is great risk, there is also great reward and the building of faith. May it be so, Lord, may it be so.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Exciting times

I found this on the YWAM website for NZ...don't remember how, but thought it was so encouraging. Hope you find it inspiring too. I'm just excited to be a part of what God is doing/going to do down there. Cindy Jacobs is an amazing woman and hears the Lord's voice in powerful ways. It is amazing that these words were spoken 6-8 years ago, but how powerful they still are. Probably the most exciting thing was the word about the Universities. I have only included some of what she spoke as all of it would have been too long (it's already quite long now!) Enjoy!

Cindy Jacobs 2000, Wellington, NZ

The Lord is showing me that there’s going to be a revival at the university. God is going to pour out His Spirit on the university students of New Zealand. The Spirit of God is going to shake up the students, and they’re either going to bow their knee or they’ll bow through crisis. So you’d better pray for the universities.

Cindy Jacobs Prophecy July 1998, Colorado Springs, USA

And the Lord says to you, “There is going to be the fire of the Holy Spirit that hits New Zealand.

And the Lord says, “I am going to raise up an Army that will touch the nations of the earth.” The Lord says, “There is going to be a mighty revival that sweeps New Zealand.” People will come from all over the earth just to see what God is doing.

And the Lord says, “I am going to bring a linking, and I am going to bring a mission sending anointing.” And the Lord says, “Out of New Zealand will come a church planting movement. You are going to plant churches all across the 10/40 Window, for I have an anointing of missions upon New Zealand.

And the Lord says, “I am going to send you forth into the harvest field.” And the Lord says, “You are going to be forerunners of reconciliation. I am going to use you in reconciliation with gender. There is going to be a great anointing upon you to be Peace Makers, for I have put an anointing upon the people of New Zealand.

“And I am going to sweep these islands, and then there is going to be a linking with the Fijian Islands. There is going to be a linking across the Pacific Rim. It is going to be like fire hitting stepping stones that will go all the way up to Asia. There is going to be a particular linking that comes from Asia.”